There are few things in life that instantly put me in a good mood --- Spring season is one of them.
Despite I spend 70% of my day every day sneezing my soul out.
And even though my allergies are awful in the Spring (though to be fair they're just as bad in Fall which is also my favorite season).
But also my birthday is in the Spring!
I love how you get super excited for your birthdays until you hit like 25 then it's like shit, I'm hella close to 30. I'm turning 33 this year which means I'm inching closer and closer to 40 and I'm not sure how I fuckin feel about that.
There's so much I want to DO and SEE and EXPERIENCE. There's so much I'm not ready for. There's so much I want to be ready for but I don't know how. And as always, I feel like I'm running out of time. Then again I've felt like that since I was 13.
However this is my first real Spring in Texas and my first birthday here. Every time I live somewhere I come up with a new tradition, on accident. I'm a little worried since I don't know what to do for my bday since I don't know much about Texas but I'm also really curious to see what I'll stumble on.
Though I have thought of creating a tradition with this super cute bakery in Dallas called Sweet Daze. But we'll see.
Today is also this sweet girl's THIRD ADOPTAVERSARY!
Today 3 years ago I got to finally take Sophie home! In the last 3 years we've moved FIVE times to FOUR different cities and to TWO states. She's been my cuddle buddy, my nap buddy, my alarm clock, my time-to-go-to-bed clock, my guard cat and my best friend.
She's licked my tears while I've cried. She's swatted my arm to get extra loves and she's woken me up with kisses. She is the sweetest soul I've ever encountered and the most laid back cat. She doesn't get mad. She doesn't get attitudes. Sometimes she talks back and sometimes she just talks. But she's never bit anyone out of anger or annoyance. She's patient with everything except loves. And she loves attention. She also loves cheese. And sea salt kettle chips. And coconut ice cream.
Everyone advised I didn't adopt her when I found her because she was 10 and only weighed 5 pounds but I'm glad I didn't listen and held on to her until I could take her home. I don't regret any of it one bit.
Happy 3 years baby girl, I hope you'll stick around for another 3. And maybe 3 more after that?
What are some of your favorite things about Spring?
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