Holy crap where did the YEAR GO?!
I can't believe it's already DECEMBER!
I also can't believe how long I've actually been away from blogging; I have no real excuse either. Same goes for why I haven't been gaming. I don't know to be completely honest. I feel like days just zip by.
I had plans to do vlogmas (as I do every year) and blogmas this year both of just... didn't really happen. I mean jumping in on the 6th day is better than just NOT jumping in... right?!
I had hoped to be more prepared for Christmasy and Winter videos and blog posts and I've come to realize... my productivity and my drive to be the awesome blogger I know I CAN be just isn't there anymore! I don't know how or why... I do know I had hoped to revamp my social media once I moved and I was so stressed out with how the thing with the movers (I still need to write about) and everything had turned out that I just felt so defeated.
I think that's the problem with anxiety and seasonal depression --- is fighting through that epic defeated feeling in order to get the things done that you want done. And some days can just feel so endless and dark. AND THAT'S OKAY. I'm not gonna beat myself up for it anymore. I didn't FAIL at anything this month, everything is still fine. There's still time.
Even if I am battling a cold and all I wanna do is sleep --- this weekend in particular is going to be devoted to catching up on blogging, taking product shots, vlogging as much of my boring life as I can to put up a video on Sunday and sleeping. Cause I mean, I need sleep.
I don't have very many goals for myself this month and I DON'T WANT goals for myself this month really but I do have a few things I want to make sure is done before this year is over ---
- Figure out a direction for my blog and social media
- Come up with my [ onelittleword ] for 2018
- Come up with a SHORT list of SPECIFIC additional resolutions for 2018
- Research remote control jobs
- Upgrade my glasses (or early next year)
- Get back into meditation
- Get back into night time routine yoga
- Get back into Duolingo
- Get back into making healthier eating choices
- (Basically get back into the mentally healthy plan on things I fell off on)
- Go into 2018 a little more ORGANIZED and TIDY
- Read as many books as you can
- Take holiday photos
- Figure out what to bake for Christmas Eve
That kinda seems like a lot but some of them can be clumped together/are things I do together. My anxiety and OCD have been nagging the hell outta me for weeks and it's getting hard to cope with. Things are a little stressful right now but nothing too bad if I'm being honest with myself so I'm confused as to why my anxiety and OCD have been acting up. I've been skipping bubble baths as well in hopes to get to bed earlier/giving myself time to read but I've just been so unmotivated which stinks cause it's December! I feel like I should be inspired like crazy!
Sigh, I guess you can't have everything.
One step and one day at a time.
What are some of your goals this month or goals before the year ends?
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