Life | Hello 36

Friday, May 7, 2021


I posted a 6 things I learned at 36 blog post on my mental health blog so I won't recap that here. But I will talk about being 36.

I always thought that I'd have my life pretty much figured out at 25. I had all these goals and plans and I was so set on achieving them and worked really really hard. But they just didn't happen. And that's when I realized that just because you plan for something and want something doesn't ALWAYS mean you'll get it. To trust the universe when it tells you this isn't your path. Because it usually leads to bigger and better things.

My life didn't actually start until I was 30. I did achieve my ultimate dream of working for Disney at 26 but beyond that, most of my LIFE LIFE didn't start until I was 30 and able to be by myself.

I got to spend my 36th birthday at my favorite place: Disney World. It's also the 10 year anniversary since my first Disney College Program. My BFF flew from CA to FL just to spend the weekend with us and finally meet her goddaughter and I got to spend the whole weekend laughing so hard I damn near almost lost my voice. It had been 13 years since I last saw her, it was so good to see her again.

I got to see a few of my favorite Floridians and I'm so thankful I was able to. I miss everyone so much. I miss the Disney life. I miss Florida and the humidity. I miss feeling like I belong and I'm welcomed somewhere. I say this all the time -- TX isn't my home and probably will never be viewed as "home". There's too much negativity and too little here that stimulates me. I'm never bored, ever. But TX is boring and that's pretty... sad.

I'm inching closer to 40 so I need to get my goals locked in.

In my 36th year I hope to;

  • Get more of my writing published; I was published in Powered By Foodies not too long ago and I hope to continue to contribute for them as well as for other publications
  • Wake up and start writing again. I feel like I'm in this fuzzy slumber lately
  • Achieve making income with my blogs, or at least be closer to it
  • Make more time for myself during the day to read or sketch guilt free 

I'm not going to overload myself with a million different goals because the ones I'm aiming for are already really ambitious as it is. There's a bunch of changes and more work coming my way and I'm both excited and... my eyes are crossing at the thought.

But if you don't challenge yourself, you don't grow.

And if you don't grow well... you're just holding the ones around you back from becoming their best self. And I've always been all about growth and challenges and learning new things. So why should this year be any different? Things are sort of slowly going back to "normal" and that's really all that we can hope for... and that people be mindful and do their part but that one might be too much to ask. 

So here's to 36 and hopefully a much more productive year for me compared to the last few. I would absolutely appreciate it if you helped support the blog by buying me a Ko-Fi or you could shop my launch party on Scentsy. There's also always browsing Amazon via my affiliate link! I mean ya girl is trying to get on her hustle game, ok? lol

Am I going to turn into one of those annoying Scentsy people? I'd really hope not. I'd still only talk about the products I liked from this company because there are a lot of products I've tried that I don't like! But as someone looking for an alternative to candles lately (on accident honestly -- but let's be real -- the cost of B&BW candles are going up forever who knows when or where they'll stop. Not just that but I swear they changed their formula because none of my recent ones have really been throwing that well. And while you can upcycle candle jars, on a realistic scale, am I? Probs not. Where as with wax melts you just wipe/dump and change it out), wax melts are my go to since probably summer of last year!

I'm also trying to kick the habit of shopping every time I'm stressed or mad or sad... which is going to be super hard but I really want to get my finances fixed and my apartment decluttered because it's starting to drive me nuts. I even opened up a Mecari account to motivate me to let things go. It's still pretty hard but I have 3 listings up so I'm doing a lot better than I thought I would! The worst part is all of the stuff I'm unhauling is literally brand new. Ugh. Why am I like this.

Here's to change in the future and creating a much more zen place for me!


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