Can we talk about how it's the second month of the year already?
I'm creeping up closer to seeing Penny again and I swear I just saw him but no, that was the beginning of December! I feel like this stretch of time went by SO MUCH FASTER than the last time. Crazy how that works!
I use to write monthly goals and sometimes they would help. Other times I would completely forget about them. I'm trying to be more realistic this year so I haven't decided if I'll still be doing monthly goals. Maybe on some months when I really want to accomplish/get things done that month.
With that said; I can't think of anything I REALLY want to accomplish in February beyond what I'm hoping with the goals for this year, you know?
So let's just go with a few notes to make about this month instead.
>> I'll be apartment hunting this month (because it's never too early to start; but the whole process is already stressing me out --- gah)
>> I'm really hoping I get my Weaver and Botnist on FFXIV to 60 by the end of the month
>> I'm really hoping to START leveling a tank class on FFXIV --- but I don't have high hopes for it
>> I'm hoping to read 3-4 books this month (I only read 2 last month so I'm "one behind")
>> I'm really hoping to finish Scarlet this month
>> I'm excited to see what my favorite things this month will be
>> That said, I'm excited to see what new things I'll find and discover this month
>> I'm excited to see what products/things I'll finish this month too
>> Wait, if there's only 28 days does that mean that Penny and I don't have a monthaversary this month since there's no 30th? D:
>> I'm HOPING I'll be able to put out videos on my YouTube channel twice a week this month
>> I'm also hoping that I'll remember to vlog while I'm out of state this time too
>> I'm hoping to get a little more tidy this month since I'm sure moving month is going to come up quick
Then there's a few personal goals.
But also, I started playing with my Sony WX300 last month and I've been trying to learn how to use it a bit more since I probably won't be seeing my Canon S90 any time soon. I'm actually really enjoying learning more about this camera and how it works. So here's to hoping I can take more and better product shots \o/.
What are some of your goals for this month?
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