I love Tulips.
I'd love if I could afford them right now too, but since I can't. Picture taking will have to do.
It's five days into the new month. Five D A Y S and bills are already fucking me. Ya'll I'm so tired of paying bills. Like it's not even funny how tired I am! I guess that falls back to me and past me and all the dumb shit past me was doing but then again I'm extra mad at past me for not telling those other dudes who were using me to get they own shit!
It's my birth month and I'm never excited about my birthday. I mean I was pretty excited last year since Bubba was spending the week with me at Disney World but generally speaking, I'm never really excited.
I can't do my usual traditions cause I'm not in Florida anymore. Also Bubba started a new job (which I'm really happy about) but he's working on my birthday. I'm trying to be somewhat not a poopy pants about it but let's be real, after I turned 25 without a BA in sight I was just like LORT ANOTHER YEAR OLDER. ANOTHER YEAR FAILED.
And that's definitely NOT the way you should be viewing life.
Granted there's nothing exciting about turning 33, still trying to rebuild your shit and yourself and thinking godammit I should get off FB with all these people and their careers and vacations. Which is why I'm never really on FB anymore. I post what I need to post, stalk who I need to stalk and get off!
This blog post wasn't suppose to be about me, it was suppose to be about my goals for April.
⇢ Read 3 books (and not on the last day of the month)
⇢ Blog more // I know shit can be hard but girl it's your release SO QUIT IT
⇢ EXPLORE more, spend LESS
⇢ Apartment hunting
⇢ Tidy room & closet / purge shit you really don't need
⇢ Sort digital stuff / back up laptop (since it's been like years since you did)
⇢ Get RDM and AST to 60 on FFXIV
⇢ Find something that calms you
⇢ Practice better time management
⇢ Catch up on reviews that need to be written
⇢ Celebrate your birthday... the best you can
I know Bubba puts a lot of effort into everything. And I know it might be killing him that he can't go all out on the day of my birthday this year and that the only thing I asked for was food adventures but I guess when you get older the experiences matter more than getting things. And normally I go on vacation for my birthday --- which I was excited moving closer to the West Coast cause I really wanted to celebrate my birthday in Vegas & Disneyland like I use to when I lived in CA 7 years ago but that didn't work out.
So this year I hope I find a new birthday tradition and I hope I find some enlightenment or motivation to get up and do something MORE. I mean I always want to do more but it's actually doing it lately that's the problem (which was never a problem before, so I'm confused as to why it is now).
So here's to April; my personal restart button.
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